medical spa services

Clear + Brilliant Touch

Combining the power of original 1440nm wavelength and the Preméa 1927nm wavelength in a single treatment, Clear + Brilliant Touch allows for faster results in fewer sessions. Safe for all skin types it targets the visible signs of aging and improves the overall luminosity of the skin. It also effectively targets melasma. A series of three treatments are recommended for optimal results.

Co2 Resurfacing (SmartXide Tetra)

CO2 lasers have long been considered the gold standard in skin resurfacing, but the downtime was extreme.  The SmartXide Tetra CO2 laser offers an innovative technology that allows us to harness the power and efficacy of a CO2 laser but with only a fraction of the downtime.  It does this by delivering the energy in extremely quick bursts and in a specific algorithm that minimizes heat buildup and therefore allows an aggressive treatment with less downtime.

The SmartXide Tetra CO2 excels at treating moderate to deep wrinkles, age spots, and acne scars as well as tightening skin and improving tone and luminosity.  CO2 treatments typically requires some social downtime while the skin recovers. 


Elevare MD is excited to be one of the only practices in Chicago offering CoolPeel.  An innovative fractional ablative CO2 treatment, CoolPeel targets the epidermis, or superficial layer of the skin.  This focused rejuvenation allows for minimal downtime and addresses a multitude of concerns including fine lines, sun damage, pore size, pigment, and acne scarring. Great for skin of all ages and colors CoolPeel helps to reveal younger, healthier looking skin.

Laser Facial

This advanced laser technology can soften the appearance of wrinkles, pores, acne, rough skin, redness and fine lines on the face and neck.

Elevare MD uses the laser to introduce gentle, painless heat to stimulate collagen remodeling. This technology can also lessen the appearance of scars.

Laser Hair Removal

Imagine a life with no more shaving or waxing. Elevare MD can permanently remove most hair from the areas you choose, through a series of short laser therapy sessions. Our state of the art hair removal lasers comfortably target only the hair follicle, leaving surrounding skin undamaged. Safe for all skin types. A series of treatments are required for optimal results.

Laser Vein Treatment

Laser vein treatment can reduce the appearance of most spider and reticular veins without surgery or needles. It is also very effective for small facial vessels, or telangiectasias, that often appear on the cheeks or side of the nose. Following treatment, you can expect fading of the blood vessels to occur over the next 2-6 weeks.  A series of 2-3 treatments is typically needed for optimal results.  Laser vein treatment is safe, effective and usually provides lasting results. 

PicoWay Rejuvenation

Elevare MD is one of only a few places in the region to offer this innovative, advanced treatment as a new way to achieve smooth, soft skin with more balanced tone and color. PicoWay is a groundbreaking technology delivering laser light in one trillionth of a second bursts, generating new collagen and elastin to skin for faster results without the discomfort and lingering recovery of other laser treatments. PicoWay also is an effective tool for tattoo removal with fewer sessions and less discomfort.

Redness Diffusing Treatment

The Elevare MD redness diffusing laser treatment can help manage persistent redness caused by rosacea, hormonal changes, sun exposure, and lifestyle factors.  The procedure utilizes the GentleMax Pro laser to help close micro-vessels that contribute to background redness.  The treatment also stimulates collagen production to address fines lines, reduce pore size, and improve overall skin texture.  A series of treatments ensures optimal results.

Scar Treatment

Elevare MD offers a variety of treatments that have shown to be effective in reducing the appearance of scars. We can address scarring caused by surgery, pregnancy, acne, or an injury with a customized treatment plan. While a scar can never be fully erased, we can greatly improve the aesthetic appearance. 


Elevare MD is on the leading edge of non-invasive treatment to remove fat with SculpSure™. SculpSure™ is an innovative laser treatment designed to tackle stubborn fat of the abdomen, thighs, arms & back.  It can be used on all skin types and over tattoos. In only 25 minutes, 24% of fat is destroyed within the treatment area(in 6-12 weeks). 

SculpSure™ is a 1060 nm diode laser which functions to raise the temperature of fat cells, damaging them. The body’s natural response is to remove those cells in the weeks following treatment. A proprietary cooling system limits patient discomfort and protects the skin.

Tattoo Removal

Do you regret your ink? 

The Pico Way laser is the gold standard in tattoo removal that has the highest peak power and shortest pulse duration of any tattoo removal laser.  This allows the laser to effectively shatter the tattoo ink into tiny particles that the body can remove while leaving the skin intact and unharmed.  

The Pico Way laser has three wavelengths that ensure greater clearance of a variety of colors. 

- 1064 nanometers - black
- 532 nanometers - oranges, reds and yellows
- 785 nanometers - blues and greens

Tattoo removal is safe for most skin types and typically involves 6-8 treatments for optimal results.

Treatment of Pigment/Melasma

Skin pigmentation is a common complaint for clients of all ages.  Elevare MD offers effective treatment options to target pigment caused by sun damage and melasma including chemical peels, PicoWay, GentleMax Pro 1064nm/755nm, Microneedling, Vivace RF Microneedling, and CoolPeel CO2 laser. In our experience, we find a customized treatment plan using multiple modalities is best approach for long term success.  

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